

Middle School Guidance Department


About Us


What is a School Counselor?

A Counselor is someone who listens no matter what you say.  A counselor is someone who is always a friend. A counselor is someone you can talk to when you need to share something very special. A counselor is someone you can talk to when you feel happy and proud.  A counselor is someone you can talk to when you feel confused.  A counselor is someone you can talk to when you feel angry.  A counselor is someone you can talk to when you feel frightened.  A counselor is someone you can talk to when you feel sad.  A counselor is someone you can talk to when you feel lonely.                                -  Anonymous


What Is The Role Of The School Counselor?


  • Works with students, teachers, parents, administrators and community members.
  • Acts as a liaison for the benefit of our students with social agencies and other members of the Bay Shore community.
  • Works with students in groups and individually depending on the nature of the issue or concern.
  • To work collaboratively with students and families in coming up with a college and career plan that will promote future success. To serve as a consultant regarding a student’s academic and emotional needs.




Scholar Shirt Day

Kids Talk

Naviance (Career and College Readiness - All Grade levels)

High School Scheduling/Articulation

Career Day

Transition Night

5th Grade Orientation

6th Grade Orientation




Family Connection in Naviance – Middle School


Method Test Prep



Support Services


            Counseling Referrals


            Family Service League

            1444 Fifth Avenue

            Bay Shore, NY 11706

            (631) 647-3100



            Sunrise Counseling Center

            107 West Main Street

            East Islip, NY Bay Shore, NY 11731

(631) 666-1615


YMCA Family Services

94 West Main Street, Suite 204

Bay Shore, NY 11706

(631) 665-1173




Stony Brook University Hospital

Comprehensive Psychiatric Emergency Program (CPEP)

101 Nicolls Road

Stony Brook, NY 11794

(631) 689-8333


            South Oaks Hospital

            400 Sunrise Highway

            Amityville, NY 11701

            (631) 608-5610





Middle Earth Hotline (516) 679-1111 - Middle Earth Hotline was Long Island Crisis Center’s first hotline. In fact, they were first known as Middle Earth Switchboard, borrowing from J.R.R. Tolkein’s name for a land safe for young people.  Like all our hotlines, this service is free, anonymous, confidential and open 24/7. Crisis intervention and suicide prevention counseling are available; counselors also provide information and referrals.


Runaway Hotline (516) 679-1111 - With the second highest missing child rate in New York, Long Island needs services that address the issues of runaway and street-involved youth. The 24/7 Runaway Hotline provides crisis intervention counseling and emergency housing assistance for runaway, homeless, “throwaway” and maltreated youth.


Huntington Hotline (631) 549-8700 - In partnership with the Town of Huntington Youth Bureau, Long Island Crisis Center counselors provide free, confidential crisis intervention counseling 24/7 for Huntington Township residents. This hotline also answers evening and weekend calls for Huntington Sanctuary, a counseling agency for runaway youth.


National Hopeline Network/ Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK/1-800-SUICIDE - One of the first agencies certified by the American Association of Suicidology, Long Island Crisis Center answers these toll-free hotlines 24/7 for Long Island residents. We also serve as back up for national calls to these lifesaving lines. Long Island Crisis Center is also one of a few national agencies to have a Suicide Outreach Program. Teams of specially trained counselors place calls to clients who have been assessed as being in danger of harming themselves. Through discrete, confidential conversation these clients receive support and information to help through critical times.


            Youth America Hotline – Counseling for Teens by Teens 1-877-YOUTHLINE 1-877-968-8454


RESPONSE OF SUFFOLK COUNTY - The crisis intervention referral hotline is open every day of the year, day and night, including holidays. Professionally trained and supervised volunteers offer callers telephone support and help them to explore options that can lead to thinking through next steps. We do not offer therapy or advice, but help callers lower their anxiety and find their own solutions.  Crisis counselors also provide referrals for support groups, clinicians, mental health clinics, other hotlines and a host of other community programs and services. Response Hotline is available 24 hours a day/7 days a week (631) 751-7500.


Pride for Youth - a service and an advocate for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBTQ) youth. Our mission is to enhance the health, wellness and cultural competency of LGBTQ young people through supportive services, education and youth development. Texting: Live, one-on-one free, confidential text message counseling is available Monday-Friday from 7pm until 11pm. Text LICC to 839863 to speak to a Counselor (standard text message rates apply).


The Trevor Project – Crisis Intervention and suicide prevention for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning youth. (1-866-488-7386)


SAFE Alternatives 1-800-DON’T-CUT (1-800-366-8288) selfinjury.com A nationally recognized treatment approach, professional network and education resource base which is committed to helping achieve an end to self-injurious behavior.


Academic Support




Check with teachers for extra help schedule, if offered.




Homework Club: Students must sign up in the library during advisory.Homework Club is available Monday through Thursday after school in room 806. 




Brainfuse: Brainfuse is a free resource that allows your students to work one-on-one with online tutors. They can draw or type their question in the online classroom and receive live homework assistance from a Brainfuse-certified tutor. Tutors are trained to not only provide answers but to help your students master the homework assignment’s underlying academic concepts. http://www.bsbwlibrary.org/teen/homework-help/




Quizlet.com: Quizlet is a free website providing learning tools for students, including flashcards, study and game modes. It was created by high school sophomore Andrew Sutherland in 2005 and now contains over 30 million study sets. All of the material is user-generated.




Summer Programs




North Shore Holiday House: A private, non-profit, overnight camp for girls, aged 7-11 who come from families whose income meet the USDA eligibility for free or reduced lunch. http://www.nshh.org/




YMCA – Summer Camp









Persons in Need of Supervision: Contact the Probation Department’s screeners at 631-853-7889, Monday-Friday from 8:30am-5:00pm. http://www.suffolkcountyny.gov/Departments/Probation/FamilyCourtServices/SuffolkCountyPINS.aspx




Parent Portal




Stay informed of your child’s academic performance. Check frequently for homework, tests and quiz grades. /community.cfm?subpage=64463




Team Meetings/Conferences




The four major academic teachers on your child’s team (Language Arts, Math, Science and Social Studies) set aside one period, three days a week to meet with parents/guardians.Call the guidance office to schedule the next available date to meet with your child’s team of teachers. 




Sample Schedules




6 Grade            th


7 Grade            th


8 Gradeth




Regents Exam Information








Honor Roll




Bay Shore Middle School’s Honor Roll Program motivates students to be the best they can be and offers an additional incentive for all students. The program includes both a high honor roll and an honor roll. 




High Honor Roll: overall quarterly average of 90.0 and higher


Honor Roll: overall quarterly average of 85.0 – 89.0




How do we calculate student averages?




Please note that when you calculate averages the following classes are not included:




Physical Education, Math Seminar, AIS and ELA Seminar




You should include the following grades in the calculation:




English, Foreign Language, Math, Science, Social Studies




Family & Consumer Science (.5), Technology (.5), Art (.5), Music (.5), Health (.5)




Choir Only Grade 6 (.6), Choir Only Grades 7 & 8 (1)